Monday, May 26, 2008

Three Months in...

Now you are all in for it. I am talking like crazy now. I will tell you when I need something, or if you are not doing what I want. I am building up my attitude to match.

I have seen my new room and am ready to move in, hopefully the end of next month.

I love picnics, I have been to 3 this week already, I had a blast. I can't wait for the next one I am invited to.


Zoe Fagan said...

What a great blog! I am glad to see that I'm not alone out here in the blogosphere. I love the slideshows. I can't figure out how to do that myself. I hope we turn out to be friends, especially since we are fellow Rocky Hillians.

See you around town,

ProveMyHypothesis said...

Hi!!! I just wanted to say hi and that your blog is so cute!. I can't wait to babysit for you and if you want, you and Zoe at the same time. It will be really fun!! Haha okay see ya!

p.s. hi mrs aurigemma

-katie matthews

stemp guy said...

OMG! When I saw Mom last Friday I had no idea she was -- well, "Mom." Definitely looking fantastic and not like she gave birth 3 months ago!

(You're pretty cute yourself, kid.)